Wait for change,
or make the change...

Our life-changing work would not be possible without the money that funds it! Whether you want to run a marathon, climb a mountain or cycle to Paris, we would be more than happy to support you through this journey.
We are looking to build meaningful partnerships with companies, schools, colleges or universities with similar values to us. To have backing from a company is a big game changer, and will significantly increase the amount of people we can help. Not only will you be supporting us but you’ll be demonstrating to your customers, clients and staff that you are actively playing a part in creating a better world.

Partnerships can take many forms and we’re keen to personalise something that meets your needs and resources. If you’d like to discuss potential ideas please do not hesitate to contact us.
The number of communities we are able to help is limited by our funds. If you feel what we do is worthy of your support we'd love to have you on board with us. Whatever you can help us with, your support will go a long way towards assisting our projects.

Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows us to claim tax back on eligible donations. 

Volunteers are valuable members of our team and crucial to keep us going! If you have time to spare and have skills or experience that may be useful to a charity, then we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch giving us a summary of your background and what you’d like to get involved with and we’ll get back to you.

Please note that currently we don’t host overseas volunteering, but plan to in the near future. Whilst we appreciate the benefits it can bring, our main focus is on community participation, thus we will be limited to one small group a year.
Help us while you shop!

You can support Involve Nepal through your mobile purchases – at no extra cost to you. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price on eligible products. Simply download or open the Amazon app and find 'Settings' in the main menu (☰). Tap on ‘Amazon Smile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to activate.

“Donating to Involve Nepal, a relatively small charity with little to no bureaucracy, provides certainty that every penny you give will be spent improving the lives of those affected by disaster. The objectives of the charity are achievable, and you can see clearly the positive impact your funding is having. That is truly rewarding”

– Individual Donor


Our life-changing work would not be possible without the money that funds it! Whether you want to run a marathon, climb a mountain or cycle to Paris, we would be more than happy to support you through this journey.


We are looking to build meaningful partnerships with companies, schools, colleges or universities with similar values to us. To have backing from a company is a big game changer, and will significantly increase the amount of people we can help. Not only will you be supporting us but you’ll be demonstrating to your customers, clients and staff that you are actively playing a part in creating a better world.

Partnerships can take many forms and we’re keen to personalise something that meets your needs and resources. If you’d like to discuss potential ideas please do not hesitate to contact us.


The number of communities we are able to help is limited by our funds. If you feel what we do is worthy of your support we’d love to have you on board with us. Whatever you can help us with, your support will go a long way towards assisting our projects.

Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows us to claim tax back on eligible donations. Click here to make a donation.

Waiting on a quote from one of our donors:


Volunteers are valuable members of our team and crucial to keep us going! If you have time to spare and have skills or experience that may be useful to a charity, then we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch giving us a summary of your background and what you’d like to get involved with and we’ll get back to you.

Please note that currently we don’t host overseas volunteering, but plan to in the near future. Whilst we appreciate the benefits it can bring, our main focus is on community participation, thus we will be limited to one small group a year.


Help us while you shop!

You can support Involve Nepal through your mobile purchases – at no extra cost to you. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price on eligible products. Simply download or open the Amazon app and find ‘Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Tap on ‘Amazon Smile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to activate.

“Donating to Involve Nepal, a relatively small charity with little to no bureaucracy, provides certainty that every penny you give will be spent improving the lives of those affected by disaster. The objectives of the charity are achievable, and you can see clearly the positive impact your funding is having. That is truly rewarding”

– Individual Donor

“I was really motivated to donate to this charity having been moved and inspired by the work undertaken by the team on the ground in Nepal and witnessing the huge impact they are having on local communities there, particularly young people. Donating to Involve Nepal, a relatively small charity with little to no bureaucracy, provides certainty that every penny you give will be spent improving the lives of those affected by disaster. The aims and objectives of the charity and clear and achievable. Therefore those donating can see with the own eyes the positive impact their funding is having. That is truly rewarding”

– Individual Donor